Saturday, 17 December 2011

Looking Inside Ourself-4

Cultivating the Mind:
Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.

During a lecture, a wise man cracked a joke to the audience. All laughed crazily.  
After a moment he cracked the same joke again, lesser people laughed this time.
He cracked the same joke again & again, when there was no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and asked:  "When you can't laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do you keep worrying about same thing over and over”.

No-one plants the weeds. Weeds come from nowhere and grow wild to take over our yard. Negative thoughts are like weeds. Weeds are automatic; they do not need our permission to blossom. All we have to do is to leave our yard unattended for few days, and we’ll start seeing them everywhere.
On the other, we would not wake up and see tomatoes or potatoes growing automatically in our yard!! We have to actively grow what we wish in our yard. And that requires determined resolution.
We have to go to the store and buy the seeds. We have to prepare the ground to get it ready. After we plant those seeds, we have to continue to nurture them in order to have a great harvest. In Simple, we have to attend our garden.

Our mind is no different than our yard. Leave it unattended, we will be in trouble. We need to deliberately plant some positive thoughts in it. We can’t wake up and hope to eventually get into a positive frame throughout the day. We have to create it.

There lots of people in our workplace or in our circle, do nothing to cultivate their mind positively. They rarely have positive thoughts. That means we are surrounded by lots of negative people. It means we are surrounded by a bunch of undesirable weeds.
It’s a known fact that weeds have a way to choke the life out of our good vegetables if you don’t pull them out!!
That goes to say the negative people around us can choke the life out of us, as well if you don’t flood your mind with positive thoughts. We have two things to take care. We have to watch out the thoughts that we contemplate and the negative people that are around us constantly feeding us with negative thoughts.

We are gardeners, and based on our habitual thinking, we plant seeds (thoughts) in our mind. We should begin to sow thoughts of peace, happiness, right action, good will, and prosperity.
Think quietly and with interest on these qualities and accept them fully in the mind. Continue to plant these seeds (thoughts) in the garden of the mind, and we will reap a glorious harvest

There is only one person who could ever make us happy, and that person is you. Be First or Be with the First!

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