Saturday 10 December 2011

Looking Inside Ourself-3

Determination :
Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible

An old man used to live alone, wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, who would have helped him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and mentioned his situation:
Dear Son,
I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I hate to miss doing the garden, because your mother always loved planting time. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me, if you weren't in prison.
With Love,

Shortly, the old man received this telegram:
For Heaven's sake, Dad, don't dig up the garden!! That's where I buried the GUNS!!

At the next morning, a dozen police officers showed up and dug up the entire garden without finding any guns. Confused, the old man wrote another note to his son telling him what happened, and asked him what to do next.

His son's reply was: "Go ahead and plant your potatoes, Dad. It's the best I could do for you from here."

Moral Conclusion:
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.

No matter where you are in the world, if you have decided to do something deep you’re your heart, you can do it. It’s always the determination that matters !!!

The will to win, the desire to achieve, the urge to reach full potential ….these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Great people are not great because of their talent and technique; they are great because of their attitude and passion. Passion is the trigger of success.

Passion is the engagement of our soul with something beyond us, something that helps us put-up with or fights against overwhelming all odds, even at high risk.

Change takes guts. It takes imagination. It takes commitment. Cease to toil, seek to be an artist. So celebrate what you have accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.

I found that I could find energy, that I could find the determination to keep going. I learned that our mind can shock our body, if we just keep telling to ourself, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!

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